Chocolate Brownies

I have been after a chocolate brownie recipe for so long and I found a few last year and have been meaning to try it for so long now. I bought the main ingredient black beans, yes you heard right, about four months ago now and have only just got around to making them! Shameful. The wait was totally worth it though because these are honestly, I think I am going to say… That these are The Best healthy eats recipe yet… Yep. I said it. They’re amazing. Go ahead and try for yourself, I can promise you you won’t be disappointed. And for a little side note, I always use my family as taste testers because they’re not health conscious like me and are quite happy eating snacks from a packet, tin, box etc, therefore if I can convince them then I can convince any one 🙂

So here are we are, enjoy.


  • 1 can rinsed black beans
  • 3 tbsp unsweetened cocoa
  • 7 tbsp chocolate protein powder 
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 3 1/2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/3 cup dark chocolate chips


  • Preheat oven to 350F/ Gas 4.
  • Blend with high speed blender all ingredients except chocolate chips.
  • When a smooth paste, stir in chocolate chips.
  • Pour into a greased or lined small baking tray (approx 8×8 size).
  • Bake for 16 minutes
  • Once removed leave to cool and refrigerate overnight before cutting into 10 slices.
  • Serve and enjoy !!!

Chocolate Brownies

Chocolate Cake

Hey you guys! I have been totally silly and have been working on a new website which isn’t yet finished, and I have just realised I’ve shared two posts on there including this one and not put it on here also, therefore no one has been able to see it!! I apologise. 

So this recipe is by Karina and Katrina from Tone It Up and I often use their recipes as they are so good, often chocolatey, and contain protein which is perfect for keeping us full and well nourished. I often use these types of recipes for my afternoon snacks because a sweet treat mid afternoon is always a must for me. I need sweet in my belly. 

So at long last here’s the recipe and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did 🙂


  • 1 banana
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/3 cup coconut oil
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/3 cup chocolate protein powder
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/3 cup strong cooled coffee


  • Preheat oven to 350F/ Gas 4.
  • Hand whisk all wet ingredients, including banana, and set aside.
  • In a seperate bowl mix dry ingredients then gradually mix into wet but stirring until fully combined until adding more. Do not over whisk.
  • Pour into small greased loaf tray or as shown in above picture.
  • Bake for 30-40 mins, check with a toothpick and make sure it comes out clean from the centre of the loaf.
  • Enjoy!!

Chocolate Cake

Peanut butter Flapjacks

Oh my gosh, peanut butter is just… Wow. Flapjacks, they are also pretty amazing. Original flapjacks however, although they taste great and I do believe in moderation, they are something I chose not to eat personally. For me, the amount of sugar and butter they contain just puts me off them. If there is a healthy alternative to a dessert I like I always like to experiment or search for other peoples take on them and for this recipe I just literally threw ingredients I like together and feel happy to consume, and got an amazing healthy flapjack. They are sweet, hearty, peanut butter full and won’t clog my arteries as a result. Pure 100% peanut butter provides pure protein and healthy fats which our body does need in a small amount, so do not be put off thinking peanut butter is bad for you. No. A whole jar of it? Then yes, maybe. Moderation is key and making sure it doesn’t have added oils and sugars is also essential. But enough from me, try these bad boys! Put one in your lunch box, a pre or post workout snack, whatever you fancy. Enjoy 🙂


1 Cup Peanut butter
1/4 Cup Honey
2.5 Cups Rolled oats
1/4 Cup Desiccated Coconut
Handful of Crushed Cashews


In a bowl put coconut and oats and set aside.

On a very low heat combine the honey and peanut butter, make sure you don’t burn or start to cook it as it will go clumpy!!

Once combined pour over the coconut and oats stirring a bit at a time to make sure all is combined.

Line a baking tray and pour mixture onto it, pushing it down into place.

Push on top your crushed cashews and refrigerate until firm. Cut into slices and enjoy!!!

Peanut butter Flapjacks

Healthy Chocolate Mousse


Hey guys 🙂 It’s been a while… I’m trying to sort out my new site which is going to be a lot better with a clearer set up than this, however I am not very tech savvy and it is proving more complicated than I had thought. As a result of this I’m putting up some recipes I have made in the meantime and once the site is up and running I shall just transfer them all over 🙂

Now I have explained my disappearance let’s get on to this recipe. It sounds crazy when you see the ingredients but it is so good, I promise! I was sceptical at first but I just had to give it a go. It’s all natural and healthy, protein rich, chocolatey, smooth and delicious. What more could you want? Tastes great with fruit, nuts & seeds. Yum. So go on, try it out!


1 pack of tofu (drained and rinsed)
1/3 Cup Honey
1/3 Cup Unsweetened Cocoa Powder


Drain and rinse the tofu and simply add the honey and cocoa, along with the tofu, into a blender. Blend and refrigerate until ready to consume!! Yum Yum in your tum!!!

Enjoy 🙂

Healthy Chocolate Mousse

Chocolate chia balls


Nom nom nom!!

These are one of the craziest looking things I have ever made, but there was no way to make them look more appetising lol, unless I covered them in chocolate which I still may do later in the week when I experiment a bit more. I have tried them on their own like this and they are super good and I will still be making them again! Super quick to make super easy, super yummy and super healthy 🙂

I love Sundays because I can just chill out, see my family, cook for hours, bake, create, blog, just have some down time. Today was topped off with the awesome news that my older brother has got down on one knee and proposed to his beautiful girlfriend of 5 years and I am so so happy for them!! Everyone around me seems to be getting married, engaged, having babies, buying house, and I’m just here eating, working out, and planning adventures!! Maybe I should start looking for a man? ….. Naaaaaah, silly idea! Ha Ha.

Here’s the recipe for these quick, healthy on the go snacks.


1 Cup Dates
1/2 Cup Almonds
1/4 Cup Chia seeds
2 tbsp Raw Cacao
2 tbsp Water or Almond milk
1/4 tsp Cinnamon


1. Pop all ingredients into a blender and blend blend blend!!
2. Form into small balls and put in the fridge to set
3. Enjoy !!

Chocolate chia balls

Chocolate Cashew Bars

IMG_3771My. Oh. My. I am in LOVE with these bars; I can not tell you how many times I have made them. They are so easy to make and have hardly any ingredients in them at all. The one problem is, my Mum loves them even more than I do and always pinches them off me. Cheeky Cheeky. Although it does keep her from munching all the biscuits!!

I found a recipe from Unprocessyourfood on Instagram which I adapted slightly for my own preference. I change it every now and then, depending on what I am fancying that week. I have done it with a few more dates, with and without cinnamon, blended it for less time so its more of a crumbly/ dry bar. It is all preference and that’s why I love simple recipes; so easy to adapt to what you like.

These bars are perfect for afternoon snacks to keep you going during the energy slump most of us endure around 3-4pm. They have slow release carbohydrates and protein to keep you full until dinner time but also a healthy hit of sugar to give you some energy and put a smile on your face, and your belly ( Hello? Chocolate!!).


I hope you enjoy 🙂


  • 1 1/2 Cup Cashews
  • 1/4 Cup Rolled Oats
  • 6 Dates (chopped)
  • 2 Tbsp Honey
  • 1/4 Tsp Cinnamon
  • Dark Chocolate Chips
  • Flaked Almonds
  • Pinch Sea Salt


  1. Blend oats, cashews and sea salt in food processor
  2. Add dates, cinnamon and honey and blend until a cookie dough texture
  3. Press onto a lined baking tray and top with dark chocolate chips and flaked almonds (you can use chopped nuts of any kind, they would also be good).
  4. Leave to set overnight in the fridge and then enjoy (alternatively, keep in freezer for an hour and then remove to enjoy).
Chocolate Cashew Bars

Berry-Licious Pancakes


Hey guys 😊 Hope you’re all having a lovely Sunday Funday! I have spent all morning and afternoon meal prepping for the week ahead, because I am tired of cooking my dinner every day and then cooking my lunch straight after. You could say I could just cook two meals worth at dinner and have it the next day but… I’m not that good at doing that as I’ll either eat both portions lol OR not cook enough for two portions? Make sense 😕 Lol. I’m not great at cooking for more than one person because it’s just an eye ball job. When meal prepping however, I can measure out enough for 4 portions and that will do me for four lunches. Bish bash bosh. As well as meal prepping I have also been making some yummy cookie bars for afternoon snacks/ pre workout bars, oh AND helping make tonight roast dinner 😍 !!


Today’s recipe is taken and slightly modified from the gorgeous BreeLovesBeauty (YouTube). She is always inspiring me and giving me new ideas on food and fitness. Such a beauty. So here is the recipe which I am certain you will LOVE!

P.S. The cookie bar recipe will be up soon ☺️


1 Whole Egg + 1 Egg White
1 Heaped tbsp Coconut Flour
1 Heaped tbsp Almond meal / Ground Almonds
1/4 Cup Almond Milk (add more if needed)
1/2 tsp Baking Powder
Sprinkle of Cinnamon
Touch of Sea Salt


1. Blend all ingredients in a blender to form a smooth paste! It must be thick. Add in more milk if it needs it. If it’s too thin add in come more coconut flour.
2. Heat pan to a medium heat with some coconut oil.
3. Form into 3 pancakes, turning when golden.


Top with whatever you like: fruits, Greek yoghurt, honey, maple syrup, chia seeds etc.
Do not overheat the pan or have on high heat as the pancakes will burn 👎.
Here I put raspberries in the pan at the end to heat up a bit and put it between each layer, then topped with desiccated coconut and honey.

Berry-Licious Pancakes

Chickpea Blondies


Yummy Yummy Blondiiiessss!!!! Well, they’re like blondies but with dark chocolate… Ha ha 😛 So, I have only ever eaten blondies (full sugar, unclean ones) when I was studying over in the States and they were so good, however I was fully aware that they were not healthy or doing me any good. I had to find a recipe in which they could be recreated simply and still taste just as good, so with lots of research I came across this one on Instagram which I am going to share. I did find a really good one a few months back but I have lost it 😦 But this one is still good! It does contain protein powder as I like to have these as a post workout snack sometimes or even on the go; I have even taken these to work as a morning snack and they were perfect. The extra protein helps to keep off hunger pains for a while and with the honey it fixes that sugar slump we often get in the late afternoons!


They can be eaten hot or cold, it is all down to preference, so try both and see what you prefer!! I have them both hot and cold, obviously on the go then you can’t help them… Lol. If i have them at home I like to heat it for a few seconds in the microwave and have it with Greek yoghurt, raspberries and blueberries!



  • 1 Cup Chickpeas (drained)
  • 1/3 Cup Honey
  • 1/3 Cup Peanut Butter
  • 1 Scoop Vanilla Protein
  • 2 Eggs
  • 1/2 tsp Baking Powder
  • 2 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 1/4 Cup Dark Chocolate Chips


  1. Blend ALL ingredients EXCEPT Chocolate Chips in blender.
  2. Stir in Chocolate Chips.
  3. Transfer to oven tray lined with parchment paper.
  4. Bake for 20-25minutes on Gas 4/180c/350F oven.
  5. Slice in to 12 pieces and enjoy 🙂

Side Note: please excuse my lack of beautiful pictures 😦 I am still working towards getting some decent lighting equipment, accessories etc and of course I am a beginner so my pictures come nowhere close to the beauts I see on here and everywhere!! I will get there soon!!


Chickpea Blondies

Blueberry Oat Crumble Bars.

Oh my lordy lord. These look absolutely FABULOUS!! Can not wait to try these ❤

Eat More Plants.

Blueberry Oat BarsI don’t have a “favorite” time of year; I love and appreciate all the seasons for what they’re worth. But, I’m pretty certain that this end of summer/early fall has got to be the BEST time of year in the northeast U.S. for fruit.

Blueberries, raspberries, peaches, apples and husk cherries….there’s not much more a girl can ask for.

Bleuberry Oat Bars

I was inspired by Angela’s raspberry chia jam oat bars over at the Oh She Glows blog and decided to sub what I had in the pantry rather than buying ingredients.

I froze a few dozen pints of raspberries & blueberries that we picked at one of the local orchards and I left out a few pints to eat/bake with.


I figured that these oat crumble bars would be a great thing to make, having my little one back in school, they’re a great (albeit messy) snack. Also perfect for breakfast!


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Blueberry Oat Crumble Bars.